This initiative was introduced at the last gathering of the Lambeth Conference in 2022 as a worldwide initiative as an active ongoing symbol and call to action that recognizes our commitment to God’s creation and our commitment to the Anglican Marks of Mission.
This partnership, similar to our partnership with PWRDF offers ways to engage locally and globally while not putting more work or strain on our parishes and their people. What this partnership will do is to provide links to ongoing information about the types of projects happening around our country and the world. And they are both simple and vast. It’s all about making an impact locally. Even small projects will affect the whole of creation.
And we have already started! Last spring we partnered with PWRDF to plant native trees in our diocese.

Our Goal
Our goal for this initiative is to encourage awareness in our diocese of our commitment to God’s creation and offer suggestions to how we can engage with our neighbour the earth when the opportunity arises. We would love to hear from you so we can share your ideas and your projects big or small.
Projects can be simple or elaborate such as:
- bringing in a beekeeper to house hives on your property to help the bee population which is under great stress and provide more pollinators for our environment.
- plant a native pollinator garden to attract bees and other native pollinators.
- reclaim a damaged lot or part of your property with native plants or trees or
- clean up local waterways to encourage fish and wildlife growth.

Learn more:
Get Started Guide.
Eco-theology Reflections
from Green Anglicans and more.
A Prayer for the Earth, using words from prayers of Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Creator god, You have called us to be keepers of your Earth. Through greed, we have established an economy that destroys the web of life. We have changed our climate and drown in despair. Let oceans of justice flow. May we learn to sustain and renew the life of our mother, Earth. Help us to share the resources you have given us, to raise our voices for justice and to bear the cost of change. May our leaders act with compassion and courage and lead us in the path of justice for the sake of our children and our children’s children. Amen