News in the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa will be travelling much faster in 2024. ADO now offers Perspective, an online newspaper, where people can access ADO featured news and updates anytime and from anywhere in the world. Perspective readers will also be able to download (and print) the current edition and back issues.

Readers will now have access to receive news much quicker
The ADO Perspective online newspaper now brings news to its community in a much faster way without print and delivery time delays of its print newspaper, CrosstalkPerspective, as an online resource, gives readers easy access to the newest developments within the diocese while also offering a convenient way to connect and share stories with friends and family via social media, texting, and email. By subscribing, readers will be the first to learn when a new edition is published. Read full story about Perspective Launch.

Don’t miss an issue – Subscribe now to Perspective
Read the Perspective February issue and more here

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