October 18, 2023
Jerusalem Dean to speak to Ottawa Anglicans
OTTAWA-Bishop Shane Parker of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa (ADO) has confirmed that a senior representative of the Episcopal (Anglican) Diocese of Jerusalem has been able to travel to Ottawa to be guest speaker at the diocese’s annual Synod (its annual general meeting).
The Very Reverend Richard Sewell is dean of St George’s College Jerusalem and Residentiary Canon at St George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem. He will be accompanied by his wife JulieAnn who works at the Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre, an institution that rehabilitates children with disabilities and serves population in the West Bank.
The dean and his wife will be available for media interviews by arrangement on Friday, October 20 or Saturday, October 21.
Writing in the Daily Telegraph of London, Dean Sewell says the vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians “Just want to live their lives, to be allowed to educate their children and make a living.”
He describes the devastating situation at the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, an institution of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. “The hospital is in the evacuation zone and all hospitals in Gaza have been told they have to evacuate but they can’t go. They have patients who cannot be moved.” He wrote before the deadly blast that severely damaged the hospital.
Separately, Bishop Parker has offered “deep compassion” to the Jewish community in a letter to Andrea Freedman, President and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa, saying: “The stories and images that continue to emerge are deeply unsettling – as is the abhorrent targeting of Jews in Canada and other parts of the world.”
Bishop Parker has also written to Radi Shahrouri, President of the Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians in the National Capital Region, offering “expressions of heartfelt concern” for members of the community as they “witness the violent humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza.”
About Anglican Diocese of Ottawa (ADO) The Anglican Diocese of Ottawa (ADO) straddles the Ottawa River and spans 46,620 square kilometres. Parish ministries are active across the City of Ottawa and in villages, towns and smaller cities through eastern Ontario and West Quebec. The ADO urban community ministries provide supportive housing for women, day programs for people living with poverty or homelessness, a refugee ministry office, and a counselling centre. The Anglican Diocese of Ottawa is one of 30 dioceses in the Anglican Church of Canada, which is part of the world-wide Anglican Communion.
To arrange an interview with Dean Richard Sewell or JulieAnn Sewell contact:
Sandra M. Hamway
Director, Communications and Development
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