Parish Violence & Harassment Prevention Policy

The Ontario Human Rights Code, and the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms alongside other relevant legal standards, recognize the dignity and worth of every person and provides for equal rights and opportunities without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability, that is contrary to law, and provides protection against discrimination, including harassment based on a ground of discrimination. The Criminal Code of Canada provides for the protection from conduct that constitutes “criminal harassment” and from violence.

The Anglican Diocese of Ottawa (the “Diocese”) is dedicated to cultivating and preserving a secure, harmonious, and nurturing environment for its volunteers and parishioners (“Members”). This means every Member of the Diocese is entitled to an environment free from violence, aggressive behavior, harassment, or discrimination. Such behaviors are grave offences and will not be tolerated. The Diocese will employ all reasonable measures to protect Members from any form of violence or harassment. We pledge to respond appropriately to any misbehavior within our parishes or at parish events, whether on or off a Parish Setting. The Diocese will act promptly regarding any allegation of harassment, bullying, or violence brought to the Diocese’s attention in accordance with this policy. This commitment extends to all facets of our ministry, including training, spiritual growth, parish duties, community outreach, and other parish-related activities.

Who the Policy Applies To

This Parish Violence and Harassment Prevention Policy (the “Policy”) applies to all volunteers, parishioners, tenants, and anyone who might be present in or have access to Parish Settings. Furthermore, the Corporations of our Parishes must ensure those who might not be explicitly mentioned but serve within our churches also abide by this Policy. It is recognized that violence and harassment can also come from outsiders and domestic/intimate relationships.

All Members are tasked with upholding this Policy, actively preventing, and reporting any act that compromises the sanctity of our church environment. No Member should face penalties or disciplinary actions for reporting an incident or for participating in a related investigation.

For greater clarity, this Policy does not apply to clergy and employees of the Diocese. For clergy and employees, see: Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy.


  • To educate and increase awareness of the Diocese’s uncompromising stance on violence, harassment, and inappropriate conduct, inclusive of sexual harassment.
  • To establish a structure for compliance, aiming at preventing misconduct while ensuring adherence to the principles of the church.
  • To offer a credible and impartial method of investigating incidents to reinforce parish safety and tranquility.
  • To delineate our approach to instituting this Policy within the Diocese, including risk assessment, controls, support mechanisms, reporting procedures, and addressing incidents or concerns.

Bullying: The act of using one’s position or status to intentionally hurt, harm, or demean another person.
Complainant: An individual who reports another person they believe has subjected them to violence or harassment.
Corporation: For the purpose of this Policy “Corporation” is comprised of the Incumbent in charge of a parish and one Churchwarden appointed by the Incumbent in charge and one Churchwarden elected at a Vestry meeting of the parish.
Executive Archdeacon: The term “Executive Archdeacon” has the same meaning as that found in the Canons.
Harassment: means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.
Member: An individual actively participating in the Diocesan community, whether through service, worship, engagement in our spaces, or other roles.
Parish Setting: Any location where Diocesan or parish-related activities take place. This encompasses church properties, social functions, parish-related trips, conferences, or training.
Respondent: An individual accused by another of committing acts of violence or harassment.
Sexual Harassment: Engaging in unwelcome comments or actions within a parish setting due to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression.
Threat: Any implication or declaration of intent to inflict harm.
Violence: Violence can include but is not limited to the following acts or attempted acts:

  • verbal threats or intimidation
  • verbal abuse, including swearing or shouting offensively at a person
  • contact of a sexual nature
  • kicking, punching, scratching, biting, squeezing, pinching, battering, hitting or wounding a person in any way
  • attack with any type of weapon
  • spitting at a person

Bishop: This Policy is applicable to everyone under the spiritual and administrative guidance of the Bishop of Ottawa. The Bishop remains the ultimate authority on investigations and complaints regarding this Policy.
Corporation: The Corporation holds the responsibility for the Policy’s execution. They will ensure its implementation, offering guidance to protect Members from parish-related harm. All complaints and incidents will be addressed promptly and confidentially.
Human Resources: The Director of Human Resources the Diocese will assist parish Members with investigation of harassment claims if requested to do so.
Members: They are responsible for reporting as soon as possible any perceived breaches of this policy to the appropriate authority, be it their pastoral guide or the parish administrative head.
Tenants and Lessees: They are responsible for reporting as soon as possible any perceived breaches of this policy to the Incumbent, churchwardens or person responsible for administering a tenancy agreement, lease or agreement to use the church space.
This Policy will be administered by the Incumbent who will work with the Executive Archdeacon and any other assigned advisory or Diocesan resource team or persons who may be asked to investigate an incident or complaint, conduct training or crisis intervention.
All Members are responsible for adhering to this Policy and should promptly report any incidents of violence, harassment, or sexual harassment to their Incumbent or Churchwarden. This includes ncidents that are witnessed, experienced, or reported.
Examples of conduct that would fall within the definition of Harassment under this Policy include but are not limited to:

  • Sexually suggestive gestures.
  • Demands or suggestions for sexual favors.
  • Repeated offensive sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions.
  • Derogatory or degrading remarks about another individual for any reason.
  • Verbal threats or abuse towards an individual.
  • Unwanted physical contact.
  • Sexist, racist or other jokes that cause, or are intended to cause, embarrassment.
  • Conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive atmosphere for another individual whether or not the conduct is directed at a particular individual.
  • Inquiries/comments about a person’s sexual lifestyle.
  • Displays of derogatory or offensive material, sexual or otherwise; and
  • Ethnic jokes, cartoons, or remarks about a person’s age, race, sex, etc.
  • Overt communication presented on various social media with intent to demean, intimidate or belittle.

Examples of conduct that would not fall within the definition of Harassment are:

  • Disagreements or interpersonal conflicts.
  • Venting feelings of minor discontent; and
  • Petty acts or foolish words where the harm, by any objective standard, is fleeting.

Harassment does not include every act by which a person causes some form of anxiety to another and consideration should be given as to whether or not the behaviour is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome.
For this Policy’s context, violence or harassment in the parish can occur in situations such as:

  • Within Parish Settings;
  • At parish-related social events;
  • During church missions or outreach events not on church property;
  • While traveling for church-related matters;
  • During communications by telephone, email or any other digital or online medium;
  • Any other situation due to parish-related duties or relationships; and
  • Any other activity of a third party non-Member that takes place on church space.

Procedures for Informal Resolution and Formal Investigation of Complaints
Step 1: Self-Help
Anyone who believes they have experienced harassment or violence can choose to speak to the offender directly, explaining the unwelcome behaviour and asking them to stop.
A Complainant is encouraged to have direct communication with the person who is responsible for the unwelcome behaviour.
If a Complainant is not comfortable with speaking directly with the person, who is responsible for the unwelcome behaviour, the Complainant should speak to the Incumbent, a Churchwarden, a Member, a tenant or licensed user of a Parish Setting, or a person authorized by the Parish, who is responsible for the administering of a tenancy agreement, lease or an agreement to use a Parish Setting, as soon as practicable.
The Complainant should maintain a written record of incidents, noting the date, time, any witnesses, a detailed description of the conduct, and any direct communications, if any, with the offender to stop the unwelcome behaviour.
Step 2: Parish Support and Informal Resolution
If the complaint is not resolved at Step 1, Complainant or witnesses should submit a written report to the Incumbent.
Upon the receipt of a written report of an allegation of violence or harassment, the Incumbent, or an authorized representative of the Incumbent, will meet the Complainant within 72 hours of the receipt of the report and review the allegations to determine whether the allegations fall within the application of this Policy.
If the Incumbent concludes that the allegations do not fall within the application of this Policy, then the resolution of the complaint cannot proceed in accordance with this Policy. The Incumbent will confirm in writing with the Complainant that the complaint cannot proceed under this Policy.
If the Incumbent concludes that the complaint falls within this Policy, the Incumbent or an authorized representaive of the Incumbent will contact the person, who is the subject of the complaint (the “Respondent”), and will seek an informal resolution of the complaint.
If the parties cannot agree on an informal resolution of the complaint, then the parties must proceed to mediation by a third party mediator appointed by the Executive Archdeacon before a formal investigation of a complaint can be initiated.
Step 3: Mediation
The Incumbent or the authorized representative of the Incumbent will facilitate the appointment by the Executive Archdeacon of a third party mediator. Prior to the appointment of the mediator, the Executive Archdeacon will consult with the parties to ensure that the mediatior is objective and impartial.
The Incumbent or the authorized representative of the Incumbent will arrange for the meetings of the Complainant and the Respondent with the mediator one-on-one and collectively.
Step 4: Formal Investigation
Submission of “Parish Violence and Harassment Reporting Form”.
To initiate a formal investigation, the Complainant must submit to the Executive Archdeacon or the Human Resources Department at, a written report of the complaint in accordance with the form attached to this Policy entitled “Parish Violence and Harassment Reporting Form.” which must include:

  • the name of the Respondent
  • a comprehensive description of the alleged behaviour,
  • the date and timeframe of the allegations,
  • the names of any witnesses, who have confirmed in writing their willingness to participate in the investigation,
  • confirmation that a written report of the allegation was received by the Incumbent, in accordance with Step 2, and
  • confirmation that the Complainant and the Respondent could not reach a mediated settlement facilitated by a third party mediator, in accordance with Step 3.

Upon receipt of the “Parish Violence and Harassment Reporting Form”, (the “Form”) the Executive Archdeacon will review the Form to ensure that all the required information has been included.
The Executive Archdeacon will confirm to the Complainant within 72 hours of receipt of the Form whether the Form includes all the required information. If required information is missing, a formal investigation cannot proceed until the Complainant provides all of the required information.
If the Form meets all the requirements for initiating a formal investigation, the Executive Archdeacon will inform the Complainant in writing that a formal investigation will be undertaken and will appoint Diocesan investigators or will hire external investigators to conduct the investigation. Within 15 days of confirmation that a formal investigation will be conducted, the Executive Archdeacon will appoint or hire the investigators and will provide the Complainant with the names of the investigators. The investigators will begin the formal investigation within three weeks of the their appointment or hiring.
The investigation process involves:

  • Notifying the Respondent about the complaint
  • Interviewing the Complainant
  • Interviewing the Respondent
  • Interviewing potential witnesses
  • Obtaining statements from all parties
  • Collecting and reviewing pertinent documentation
  • Preparing a written report for the Executive Archdeacon with findings and recommendations

Notification of Respondent
The Executive Archdeacon will provide the Respondent with a copy of the Form detailing the Complainant’s allegations and will invite the Respondent to reply to the investigators in writing with respect to the allegations. The Respondent will have seven (7) days from receipt of the Form to provide the investigators with a written reply.
The investigators will provide a copy of the Respondent’s reply to the Complainant before the investigation proceeds. The investigators will discuss the Respondent’s reply with the Complainant to explore the possibility of an informal resolution of the complaint.
If after discussion of the Respondent’s reply with the investigators, the Complainant still wishes to proceed with the formal investigation, the Complainant will communicate in writing with the investigators within seven (7) days of their discussion and the investigators will proceed with the formal investigation.

Fact-finding and Recommendations
Investigators will interview both the Complainant and the Respondent and any available witnesses and will review any pertinent information.
The investigators will provide a written report of the findings and recommendations to the Executive Archdeacon within six months of receipt of their appointment or hiring by the Executive Archdeacon.
Results of Investigation
The Executive Archdeacon will provide a copy of the investigators’ report to the Complainant and Respondent for their review for errors or omissions. The parties will have seven days to provide their input in respect of the review of the investigators’ report. No fresh evidence or submissions will be received by the Executive Archdeacon at this stage.
Following receipt of any input from the parties, the Executive Archdeacon will determine, based on the investigators’ report and input from the parties on the investigators’ report whether the complaint has been substantiated in accordance with the Policy. The Executive Archdeacon may make directions with respect to any corrective measures that should be taken resulting from the investigation. The Executive Archdeacon will provide the parties with the final report of the investigation, including findings and any corrective measures that should be taken, within 15 days of the receipt of the input from the parties regarding the investigators’ report.

Control Measures
Should it be found that violence or harassment took place, control measures will be instituted to either eliminate or manage the associated risks. These measures will be tailored to each unique situation. Such control measures will be communicated to both the Complainant and the Respondent, as well as any other affected individuals.

False Allegations
Submitting knowingly false complaints or sharing false information is against this Policy. Such unfounded claims can inflict significant harm upon the Respondent and the parish. Anyone deliberately making false allegations will face immediate consequences, which might include discontinuation of their association with the parish.

Consequences for Breach of the Policy
Where the Executive Archdeacon concludes that the Policy was breached, the Incumbent and Church Wardens will take any necessary corrective measures required to address the breach in consultation with the Executive Archdeacon. Such corrective measures may include the exclusion of a member from the congregation, or the termination of a lease, tenancy agreement or agreement for the use of church space or banning an individual from a Parish Setting.

Addressing Domestic Violence
If the Parish becomes aware of a domestic violence situation that may threaten the safety of any individual within a Parish Setting or events, every reasonable precaution will be undertaken for the protection of the individual.

Support for Complainants
The Parish commits to assisting any Complainant of violence or harassment and recommends Complainants seek medical consultation and, if deemed beneficial, counseling post-incident.

Right to Safety
All parishioners and volunteers retain the right to distance themselves from situations they believe to be unsafe due to potential violence. Such concerns should be reported to the
Incumbent or Church Warden, after which an assessment may be conducted.

No Retaliation
It is against this Policy for anyone involved in a complaint process to retaliate against another individual for lodging a complaint or providing information about one. Such acts are viewed as violent and may warrant immediate consequences, which might include discontinuation of their association with the parish.

Record Keeping
The Parish will maintain comprehensive records related to complaints and their ensuing investigations. This will include:

  • A detailed account of the complaint or incident
  • All associated investigative documents
  • A copy of the investigation’s final report (if any)
  • Summaries of findings, inclusive of the reports shared with the Complainant and Respondent
  • Details of corrective measures undertaken.

The Parish commits to confidentiality, ensuring that neither the Complainant’s nor the
Respondent’s names or related complaint circumstances are disclosed unless essential for investigation or corrective measures or if legally mandated. Only the most minimal required personal information will be disclosed under these circumstances.
Records pertaining to incidents of harassment, violence, or inappropriate conduct, including the associated investigations, will be held in strict confidentiality. The parish will exhaust all reasonable means to uphold the privacy of those involved, ensuring fairness and respect for both
Complainants and Respondents.
The parish will take all measures to prevent any disclosure of the incident and the identities of the parties involved, unless the disclosure is necessary for the investigation, for taking corrective action, or required by law.

Training and Awareness of the Policy
The Executive Archdeacon will arrange training on the Policy for Incumbents, Church Wardens and the person responsible for administering a tenancy agreement, lease or agreement to use a Parish Setting.
Incumbents and Church Wardens will inform their congregations about the Policy.
All tenancy agreements, leases and agreements to use a Parish Setting will include a condition that the parties respect and comply with the Policy, and the parties will sign an acknowledgement that they have read the Policy.
The Policy will be made available on the Diocesan website.

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Record Keeping

The overall aim for the Screening in Faith policy is to ensure that there is a safe environment in every parish, ministry, and activity.
Screening in Faith is designed to exclude any who are unsuitable for a particular ministry or likely to offend.
In the Diocese of Ottawa, we have policies and procedures to ensure that we are keeping clear records of how, when, and why a person has been screened.

Creating Records
A separate file should be created for each volunteer in a high risk ministry, and this file should contain, at least:
• position description
• application form
• results of Police Records Check
• original, signed written consent of a person who has been screened on the occasion of his/her records are copied and forwarded to another parish or ministry
• and any other pertinent information

Storing Records
Any documents created in connection with a screening activity should be stored in a secure manner. This could be a locked filing cabinet in a locked room.
Access to the files should be limited to the incumbent and churchwardens or, in the case of a larger parish, the corporation and screening team. Under no circumstances should files be left out in the open, stored on the corner of a desk, or placed where “just anyone” could have access to them.

Receiving Records
Records may be copied and sent to another parish upon receiving the original signed consent (no fax or email) of the person being screened. The original must be retained in the files of the parish where it was created.
Upon a person’s completion of their term in ministry, the screening records should be kept in their file. Such files must be maintained in the parish until after the death of the individual.
If a parish is concerned about their ability to store any files safely, these files may be deposited in the Diocesan Archives.

Diocesan Archives
Upon the dissolution of a parish or ministry, screening-related files should be sealed, labelled appropriately, and safely transmitted to the Diocesan Archives.

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Levels of Risk

In Parish and Ministry Settings

It is important to assess the level of power, authority, and control of those who minister; the level of vulnerability of those being ministered to, and the risk that harm could be committed by some form of abuse. Determining the risk level and assigning a low, medium, or high rating to each ministry is a key step in the process.

Low risk ministries
Ministry duties and responsibilities that do not permit a person to be alone with a child or vulnerable adult, or do not permit access to financial resources or confidential information. Such ministries do not require a significant level or authority or trust.
Examples: arranger of coffee fellowship, bulletin folder, flower arranger, greeter, reader, some committee and group members.

Medium risk ministries
Ministry duties and responsibilities that permit few chances for a person to be alone with a child or vulnerable adult, or permit some access to moderate amounts of financial resources or confidential information. People in these ministries are in a position of authority or trust.
Examples: adult Bible study leader, congregational or parish council member, chairperson, lay eucharist
administrator, team collection counter

High risk ministries
Ministry duties and responsibilities that permit opportunities for a person to be alone with a child or vulnerable adult, or permit access to significant amounts of financial resources or sensitive and confidential information.
These ministries are positions of authority or the positions that allows a persons to establish long-term relationships of trust. The following are always ranked high risk: all clergy, including honorary assistants; churchwardens; organists and music directors; parish employees; and also those involved in residential or offsite ministries with children or vulnerable adults.

Examples: Christian education coordinator, church musician, counsellor, pastoral care visitor, server instructor, Sunday school teacher, youth leader, treasurer, envelope secretary


Police Record Checks

On request, police will check their records on applications seeking employment and/or volunteer work. The check includes national and local police databases. Information on criminal convictions and outstanding charges, as well as incidents of all negative police contacts will be considered for release.
The information it generates is limited, however, so other forms of screening should also be used.

Who needs a Police Records Check?
A Police Records Check is required for all ordained ministry and for paid employee positions where there is an inherent level of trust and a lack of daily, structured supervision. For each person, consider the level of authority, isolation, and the vulnerability of participants. It is required at the beginning of a ministry, employment or volunteer position, and every three years thereafter.
Examples of persons requiring a background check: churchwardens, treasurers, parish administrator, director of financial ministry, kitchen staff
Examples of persons requiring a Vulnerable Sector Check: All clergy, pastoral care visitors, Sunday School teachers, music directors and organists, social workers, program managers at our Community Ministries

How to apply for a Criminal Background Check
In most cases a criminal background check can be obtained online from the local police service.

How to apply for a Vulnerable Sector Check
The Vulnerable Sector Check is restricted to applicants seeking employment and/or volunteering in a position of authority or trust relative to vulnerable persons.
The prospective employee or volunteer should go to the local police station with a letter from human resources or the church, on letterhead, signed by the incumbent or volunteer coordinator. The letter should state that the person bearing the letter is going to be working with the vulnerable sector (youth, elderly, etc).


Safe People

The overall aim for the Screening in Faith policy is to ensure that there is a safe environment in every parish, ministry, and activity.

Safe Environments
When we talk about screening we talk about safe people. We must not forget that it is also very important to create safe environments, that is, safe places and safe situations.

Points to consider
● two adults are required to be present during any activity for young children or youth
● offices & activity rooms must have windows that allow an outside person to see in
● in the case of vulnerable persons, there should be two leaders or an open door
● a leader should not meet alone with a vulnerable person but should be joined by another leader if the meeting is to be private
● keep the door slightly open whenaccompanying a vulnerable person on the bathroom
● during diaper changing, the changing table should be in view of another nursery worker

Safe situations
Safety doesn’t apply just to children; it applies to everybody. Clergy, leaders, counsellors and other adults in the church are also vulnerable, and need to be protected. Transparency in all our dealings with others is necessary.

Some rules, that protect everyone involved:
● if a pastoral care visitor encounters a compromising situation or crisis, they should report the incident as soon as possible to the parish priest or their pastoral supervisor
● never be in a closed room where people cannot see in

Vulnerable people
We take it for granted that our children, youth, and elderly are vulnerable. What is less understood is that there are other vulnerabilities that are much less obvious but nonetheless real. These might include:
● the bereaved
● both partners in troubled relationships
● the survivors of trauma
● people of any age during illness or other crisis
● members of LGBTQ+ community
● new Canadians and refugees


Screening Clergy

In the Diocese of Ottawa, we have many policies and procedures in place to ensure that we are effectively screening our clergy. The Bishop’s Office takes responsibility for the ongoing screening of all clergy in our Diocese.
Ten safe steps for clergy

1. Determine the risk
The work of the clergy clearly involves situations with many vulnerable people. Visiting the sick, counselling, working with youth; all of these are part of the work of bishops, priests, and deacons in our church.

2. With a clear ministry description
The Church describes ordained ministry in The Ordinal. The Diocese provides further resources in the Clergy Personnel Policy.

3. Establish a formal recruitment process
For ordained candidates applying for a position in the Diocese, there is a detailed written process to follow. Interviews, reference letters, resumes, and written responses are all part of this process. The process for the election of a Bishop is also clearly defined.

4. Use an application form
Those seeking ordination are requested to complete an application form. Those seeking a new position in the Diocese are asked to apply in writing, with comments on their suitability for the possible new ministry. Individuals applying for positions outside the Diocese must do so in writing, including a formal resume.

5. Conduct interviews
For those seeking ordination, a number of interviews are required through the years of the discernment process. For those clergy seeking a new appointment there is one formal interview.
For those coming from another Diocese, there is at least one interview required with the Bishop.

6. Follow up references
Many written references are routinely required for those seeking ordination. Those providing references are asked to reply to a standard set of questions for the Diocese, and for the wider church discernment process. References are also requested for those seeking new positions in the Diocese and for those seeking to come to Ottawa from another Diocese. These references are all studied and checked.

7. Police Record Check
All those seeking ordination in this Diocese are required to have their records checked by police. In addition, every 3 years all clergy serving in the Diocese of Ottawa are asked to provide the Bishop with an updated Vulnerable Sector Check.

8. Conducting orientation and training sessions
Ongoing training is provided through the Bishop’s Office. Clergy receive training on issues of sexual misconduct and workplace violence & harassment prevention.

9. Supervise and evaluate
Clergy participate in regular professional development sessions conducted by their Archdeacon.

10. Follow up with program participants
Parishioners give feedback to the clergy on a regular basis through wardens, parish councils, and others. Parishioners with serious complaints who feel they are not being satisfactorily handled in the parish can speak to their Archdeacon, the Executive Archdeacon, or the Bishop.

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Screening in Faith (FAQs)

Who must be screened?
• churchwardens, treasurers, envelope secretaries, youth leaders, Sunday School teachers, pastoral care members
• all volunteers working with vulnerable people
For all others, assess each job description, to determine the level of risk.

Do we need to screen everyone, even occasional helpers in the nursery?
Nursery supervisors should be fully screened, while occasional helpers who are never alone with the children require less.

Are there special requirement for pastoral care visitors?
All pastoral care visitors must be carefully trained before engaging in pastoral ministry within the parish or community and receive ongoing supervision from the incumbent or someone delegated by the incumbent. Online training is available from the Pastoral Care
Training Course at

Who does the screening?
The Incumbent and churchwardens are responsible for screening. A parish may choose to set up a screening committee for support and to track progress.

Can you ask if someone has a police record?

What about records from other groups such as Scouts?
Recent Police Record Checks, within six months, are acceptable.

How do we screen those who are under 18?
A detailed job description, references and an interview will help screen youth, even without a Police Records Check.

How are types of abuse other than sexual, e.g. abuse of authority, to be checked?
Do not consider a parishioner for a high-risk ministry until they are well known to the community. Interview for attitude, appropriate and inappropriate behavior, and make sure that the volunteer’s training and evaluation are ongoing.

What is our responsibility re judgement calls?
Better to be safe than sorry. If we offer a program, we must fulfil our Duty of Care.

What is our Duty of Care?
This is a legal concept, which identifies the obligation of individuals and organizations to take reasonable measures to care for and protect their participants. Failure to meet the Duty of Care can result in an accusation of negligence.

What should we do if there is a ‘Safe Church’ concern involving something or someone in our parish?
The appropriate response depends on the seriousness of the situation as well as the particulars of the concern. In most cases it is best to first consult the incumbent and churchwardens so that the situation is dealt with on the parish level. They have the authority to adjust the procedures of the ministry in question as well as discipline and/or remove a person who is creating an unsafe environment.
If necessary, the Executive Archdeacon can be consulted in addition to or instead of the incumbent and churchwardens. They might recommend that a parishioner or employee submit a complaint via the Workplace Violence and Harassment policy. Of course, in
some cases the best response is to call the police or the Children’s Aid Society.

What is the benefit of interviewing volunteers?
An interview provides the ministry leaders with the opportunity to review important items about the job description and the volunteer’s application form. Additionally, it gives the interview team a feeling about how well this person may be suited for a
particular job or ministry.

Are the churchwardens and clergy liable if there is an offence in a parish?
Anyone who sues will sue the Diocese or the parish. The Diocese carries insurance for this.

How useful is a Police Records Check?
It is only one tool. It may discourage an inappropriate person from applying for ministry. It is not a substitute for the other steps of screening.

How long is a Police Record Check valid?
The Diocesan standard is that a police check should be renewed every 3 years. If a person is taking on a new, more sensitive, or higher risk ministry, then that person may require a new police check.

Can I submit a Nexus card instead of a Police Record Check?
No, a Nexus card does not meet our standard of screening.

How do parishes reduce the risk?
• have a buddy system (two adults for youth related activities)
• have a third-party present in any situation where there is a chance that safety may be compromised, or a conflict arise
• One on one? Leave doors and blinds open.


Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy

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